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For browser-first applications, we provide APIs for checking the connectivity and online status of other users connected to your app.

Table of contents

Checking online status

For connectivity status, check app.status to see if you're online.

The app's status will show connected as soon as libp2p has a connection to at least one peer running the same application on the network.

You can listen to the connections:updated event to keep track of a list of connections:

import { useCanvas } from "@canvas-js/hooks"
import type { Connections } from "@canvas-js/core"

const { app } = useCanvas({ topic: "...", contract: "..." })

useEffect(() => {
  app?.addEventListener("connections:updated", ({ detail: { connections } }) => {
    // 'connected'

    // [{
    //   12D3KooWQW2V7moLojFaScKMza3mMqrvvQm9cEgwgyRnr271Z4tX: {
    //     connections: [ConnectionImpl],
    //     peer: Ed25519PeerIdImpl,
    //     status: "online"
    //   }
    // }]
}, [app])

The connections object lists peers that you are directly connected to.

Peers that are actively sending and receiving actions for the application will be shown as online (🟢). Peers passively participating in the mesh will be waiting (⚪️), those still connecting will be connecting (🟡), and unresponsive peers will be shown as disconnected (🔴).

As long as at least one peer is online, your application will show as connected. You can see an example here.

Configuring realtime presence

By default, libp2p doesn't maintain connections to every other peer running your application at the same time, since this could be hundreds of peers or more.

Instead, we maintain a libp2p discovery/presence service, which tracks peers that you aren't directly connected to.

To use this service, set a discoveryTopic in your application configuration:

const { app } = useCanvas({
  topic: "my-app-room-x",
  contract: {
    // models: ...
    // actions: ...
  discoveryTopic: 'my-app-discovery',

The discovery topic is separate from your application topic. Discovery topics are used to coordinate presence and peer discovery across people running many different applications - each application can be a different contract, or a copy of the same contract.

You can use this to implement sharded applications, where someone can move between different rooms as they use the application, and each room will sync separately. (For applications with just one partition, you can configure the discovery topic to the same as the contract topic.)

With discoveryTopic configured, your applications will automatically broadcast presence events. Listen for the presence:join and presence:leave events to see when peers join:

const handlePresenceListUpdated = ({ detail: { peerId, peers } }) => {
  // '12D3KooWCQQz7uozb287GZCRGv7DrrZTVDuUfh2bNCd3rpUHgpes'

  // {
  //   12D3KooWCQQz7uozb287GZCRGv7DrrZTVDuUfh2bNCd3rpUHgpes: {
  //     address: null,
  //     env: "server",
  //     lastSeen: 1703317637626,
  //     topics: ["my-app-room-1"]
  // }

useEffect(() => {
  app?.addEventListener("presence:join", handlePresenceListUpdated)
  return () => app?.removeEventListener("presence:join", handlePresenceListUpdated)

Join events will be triggered whenever someone new joins the network, and leave events will be triggered after that peer goes offline, after about a minute of inactivity.

You can configure the threshold by setting presenceTimeout in your app config. (see an example here).

Listing online peers

The event also provides a peers list, which shows a list of online peers:

  • address is the public address of the user behind this online peer. For an Ethereum signer, this will be a did:pkh prefixed blockchain address in the form did:pkh:eip155:1:0xabc. Note that this address is self-attested and not cryptographically verified (yet).
  • env is the environment that peer is running in, either browser or server.
  • lastSeen is the milliseconds since the last heartbeat from this peer.
  • topics is the list of topics the peer is subscribed to.

To get a list of other online users, filter the list of peers down to those where peer.env === 'browser'.

To only show peers when they have proactively sent a heartbeat, filter the list with peer.lastSeen !== null. This will cause your list of online peers to fill from scratch when you start the application. (By default, we try to load peers from other peers' presence cache, so that you can see a list of recently active peers immediately.)

Listing online peers across applications

To track presence status across apps on a discovery topic, configure the application with trackAllPeers: true.

const { app } = useCanvas({
  topic: "my-app-room-x",
  contract: {
    // models: ...
    // actions: ...
  discoveryTopic: 'my-app-discovery',
  trackAllPeers: true,

This will cause presence:join events to be emitted for all peers that join the discovery topic, even if they have a different app topic. Check the event's topics list to see which application(s) the peer is running.

You can also see this on our chat app. Try opening a few rooms on this client, and those rooms will show up in the chat app's presence list.

For more details, the main chat app's source code is here, while the multi-room client's source is here.