Snake Example ​
Github Link (npm i && npm run dev
to run, hosted demo coming soon)
The Snake example implements a game, using the useTick()
hook. There are three actions:
resets the state of the game.turn
is called whenever a player wants to turn the snake.tick
is called automatically by a shared timer, and runs the main game loop, checking for collisions, moving the snake, and updating the score.
export const maxX = 30
export const maxY = 30
const models = {
state: {
key: "primary", // "0" since this is a singleton
direction: "string",
tickCount: "integer",
tiles: "string",
gameOver: "string",
const actions = {
newGame: (db) => {
const centerX = Math.floor(maxX / 2)
const centerY = Math.floor(maxY / 2)
const tiles = JSON.stringify([
[centerX, centerY - 1],
[centerX, centerY],
[centerX, centerY + 1],
db.set("state", {
key: "0",
direction: "n",
tickCount: 0,
gameOver: "",
turn: async (db, { direction }) => {
if (["n", "e", "w", "s"].indexOf(direction) === -1) {
throw new Error()
const { direction: currentDirection, tickCount, tiles, gameOver } = await db.state.get("0")
if (
(direction === "n" && currentDirection === "s") ||
(direction === "s" && currentDirection === "n") ||
(direction === "e" && currentDirection === "w") ||
(direction === "w" && currentDirection === "e")
) {
throw new Error()
await db.set("state", { key: "0", direction, tickCount, tiles, gameOver })
tick: async (db) => {
const { direction, tickCount, tiles, gameOver } = await db.get("state", "0")
if (gameOver) throw new Error()
const tilesList = JSON.parse(tiles)
const [headX, headY] = tilesList[tilesList.length - 1]
let next
if (direction === "n") {
next = [headX, headY + 1]
} else if (direction === "e") {
next = [headX + 1, headY]
} else if (direction === "s") {
next = [headX, headY - 1]
} else if (direction === "w") {
next = [headX - 1, headY]
if (
next[0] < 0 ||
next[0] > maxX ||
next[1] < 0 ||
next[1] > maxY ||
tilesList.some(([tx, ty]) => tx === next[0] && ty === next[1])
) {
await db.set("state", { key: "0", gameOver: "true", direction, tickCount, tiles })
if (tickCount % 5 !== 0) {
await db.set("state", {
key: "0",
tickCount: tickCount + 1,
tiles: JSON.stringify(tilesList),