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@canvas-js/core ​

A Canvas app replicates and executes a log of signed actions, sourced from GossipLog, with read/write access to a ModelDB database.

Use this package directly if you want fine-grained control over when an application is started/stopped. Otherwise, you can use useCanvas in @canvas-js/hooks, which has the same API, but handles initialization inside React for you.

Table of Contents ​

Installation ​

$ npm i @canvas-js/core

Usage ​

import { Canvas } from "@canvas-js/core"

const app = await Canvas.initialize({
  topic: "",
  contract: {
    models: {
      posts: {
        id: "primary",
        user: "string",
        content: "string",
        updated_at: "integer",
    actions: {
      async createPost(db, { content }, { id, chain, address, timestamp }) {
        const user = [chain, address].join(":")
        await db.posts.set({ id, user, content, updated_at: timestamp })
      async deletePost(db, { postId }, { chain, address }) {
        const post = await db.posts.get(postId)
        if (post === null) {

        const user = [chain, address].join(":")
        if (post.user !== user) {
          throw new Error("not authorized")

        await db.posts.delete(postId)

await app.actions.createPost({ content: "hello world!" })
const results = await app.db.query("posts", {})
// [
//   {
//     id: '09p5qn7affkhtbflscr663tet8ddeu41',
//     user: 'did:pkh:eip155:1:0x79c5158f81ebb0c2bcF877E9e1813aed2Eb652B7',
//     content: 'hello world!',
//     updated_at: 1698339861041
//   }
// ]


Contract types ​

import type { ModelSchema, ModelValue } from "@canvas-js/modeldb"
import type { Awaitable } from "@canvas-js/interfaces"

export type Contract = {
  topic: string
  models: ModelSchema
  actions: Record<string, ActionImplementationFunction | ActionImplementationObject>

export type ActionImplementationObject = {
  argsType?: { schema: string; name: string }
  apply: ActionImplementationFunction

export type ActionImplementationFunction = (
  db: Record<string, ModelAPI>,
  args: Args,
  context: ActionContext,
) => Awaitable<Result>

export type ModelAPI = {
  get: (key: string) => Promise<T | null>
  set: (value: ModelValue) => Promise<void>
  delete: (key: string) => Promise<void>

export type ActionContext = {
  id: string
  chain: string
  address: string
  blockhash: string | null
  timestamp: number

Canvas class ​

import { Signature, Action, Session, SessionSigner } from "@canvas-js/interfaces"
import { AbstractModelDB } from "@canvas-js/modeldb"

export interface CanvasConfig<T extends Contract = Contract> {
  /** data directory path (NodeJS only) */
  path?: string | null
  topic: string
  contract: string | T
  signers?: SessionSigner[]
  runtimeMemoryLimit?: number

export interface CanvasEvents extends GossipLogEvents<Action | Session | Snapshot> {
  connect: CustomEvent<{ peer: string }>
  disconnect: CustomEvent<{ peer: string }>

export declare class Canvas extends EventEmitter<CanvasEvents> {
  public static initialize(config: CanvasConfig): Promise<Canvas>

  public readonly topic: string
  public readonly signers: SessionSigner[]
  public readonly db: AbstractModelDB

  public readonly actions: Record<
    (args: any, options: { chain?: string; signer?: SessionSigner }) => Promise<{ id: string }>

  public close(): Promise<void>
  public start(): Promise<void>
  public stop(): Promise<void>

  public getMessage(id: string): Promise<[signature: Signature, message: Message<Action | Session | Snapshot>] | [null, null]>
  public getMessageStream(
    lowerBound?: { id: string; inclusive: boolean } | null,
    upperBound?: { id: string; inclusive: boolean } | null,
    options?: { reverse?: boolean },
  ): AsyncIterable<[id: string, signature: Signature, message: Message<Action | Session | Snapshot>]>